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Origins - Shanghai, China

Born in Singapore, Andy's family moved to Shanghai, China for expatriate work, where Andy remained for 18 years.


Raised on a diet of some of the world's most epic noodle dishes, educated at an international school and given an exceptional amount of free will by his parents, Shanghai marks the origin of Andy's journey.


Studying at Concordia International School Shanghai, and grew a passion for scuba diving, orchestral music and all things scientific. It was here that Andy participated in his first research, the evaluation and conservation of coral reefs off the coast of Thailand as a voluntary school trip. Andy would participate in 5 separate expeditions prior to graduation.


Rite of Passage - Singapore

"Have you ever wondered? Why must we serve?
Because we love our land,
and we want it to be free, to be free."

- Singapore Armed Forces Song


As a male citizen of the Republic of Singapore, Andy was required to serve 2 years of national service upon reaching the age of 18. When the call of duty came, he had barely spent a combined time of 2 months in Singapore for his entire life. Nonetheless, Andy reported for national service and was assigned to the 48th Battalion, Singapore Armored Regiment, the only active tank battalion in the Singapore Army.


Andy was interviewed and selected for a special role reporting directly to the unit's regimental sergeant major, where he was specially tasked to revise battalion operating procedures and assist in the evaluation of main battle tank exercises.


On a lighter note, it was here that Andy started drinking bubble tea, with his fellow soldiers.

See, Do, Teach - New York, USA

Upon the end of his national service and a short semester volunteering as a teaching assistant back in his high school, Andy moved himself to Ithaca in New York, enrolling in the Class of 2022 at Cornell University's College of Engineering.


It was here that Andy finally found a good, cost-worthy piece of proper steak.


Aside from the ongoing epicurean pilgrimage, Andy joined a number of research and project groups involving aerospace, satellite design and mechanical engineering. His studies include opportunities to guest lecture on his research and assist his classmates and friends through tutoring. The process of learning a concept, doing problems and then teaching others is critical to Andy's process, as he firmly believes that teaching is a powerful reinforcement and assessment of one's own capabilities.


Andy's time in the military had not only given newfound discipline to his academic pursuits, but also driven him to a burning passion for military technology.


Andy intends to study aerospace engineering as a specialization and participate in the development of commercial aircraft, small unmanned air systems and small satellites. Upon conquering the sea through diving, and land through the military, his focus is now aimed skywards and through to space.


The journey is long, but Andy is determined, and would not mind a few good food recommendations along the way.



Cornell University

College of Engineering

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